Our Ministry
Wilmot is home to many groups, clubs and committees all with different interests and focuses. If you're looking to socialize or get involved with the community, you'll likely find something below that interests you.
Reviews past worship services and supports our minister in planning future worship experiences.
Ensures that the sanctuary is properly arranged according to the liturgical calendar.
Our audio-visual team produces the livestreaming, Zoom and YouTube of worship services.
Music is an integral part of our worship.
spiritual growth
Updates and descriptions of seasonal programs and events can be found in the weekly announcements.
Focuses on the development, encouragement, and oversight of programs fostering fellowship.
A Montesssori-informed creative, imaginative approach to Christian formation and spiritual guidance.
Adult Bible Conversation engages with weekly scripture readings from the New Revised Common Lectionary.
A gathering for anyone God-curious, God-seeking, or God-questioning. All denominations and beliefs welcome.
Outreach fosters community well-being through dedicated care and engagement.
A listening ear, information, lunch, food vouchers, bus tickets and haircuts to those who may need it.
A place to socialize, play cards or pool as well as other activities in an atmosphere of friendship.
Fair trade coffee, tea, chocolate, olive oil and crafts are available from the Fair Trade Cupboard.
Youth & Young adults
Conversation, outings, and activities for youths ages 10-18. In collaboration with St. Paul's United Church.
Wilmot provides bursaries for a few students each year to help supplement the costs of education.
Wilmot collects empty bottles on an ongoing basis to raise funds for youth activities.
A Montesssori-informed creative, imaginative approach to Christian formation and spiritual guidance.
pastoral care
An umbrella group containing Prayer Shawl Ministry, Prayer Circle, and Circle of Care.
Knitters, crocheters, and those wanting to learn meet monthly to create prayer shawls.
Confidentially holds those who are experiencing difficult times in their prayers.
Providing tangible support for those recovering from illness, surgery, or loss.
Aims to make everyone feel welcome, including members of the LGBTQI2S+ community.
Wilmot Book Club meets monthly for lively conversation surrounding the month's read.
For over 18 years, the Wilmot Writers have gathered for tea and writing chats.
Morning out quilters meet once each week for fellowship, quilting, handmade projects and tea.
Wilmot's governing body.
Provides support, consultation and supervision for our clergy and staff.
Responsible for the stewardship of our financial and physical resources.
Wilmot Information Team (WIT) issues and promotes information about our congregation.
United Church Women (UCW) meet regularly for fellowship and social gatherings.
Wilmot church works with a
variety of Fredericton
Community Organizations.