Music Ministry
Music Ministry
For many, music is a powerful part of worship. Wilmot's music ministry leaders are Director of Music Steven Peacock and Organist/Pianist Margaret MacDonald. Steven conducts the Senior and Handbell Choirs, and he oversees the musical content of our worship services, which regularly feature his skills as a classical guitarist, singer, djembe player and arranger/composer.
Margaret plays organ and piano as a soloist and accompanist during worship services, often adding her vocal and handbell skills to the proceedings, and works faithfully with the Senior Choir during rehearsals and performances.
senior choir
The Wilmot Senior Choir is a four-part (SATB) chorus which sings music in a range of classical and contemporary sacred styles. We rehearse in
the choir loft from 7:30 to 8:45 p.m. on Thursday nights from September to May, and we warm up for Sunday worship half an hour before each service begins. The Senior Choir is a user-friendly group that combines solid music making and fun in a nurturing and positive environment. New singers are always very welcome!
frank t. pridham memorial handbell choir
The Frank T. Pridham Memorial Handbell Choir is a three-octave choir which performs at worship services about once a month between September and May. Our rehearsals take place in the Godly Play Room every Thursday night between 6:30 and 7:30 p.m., and the musical challenges are always balanced with lots of camaraderie. New ringers are very welcome!
other ensembles and soloists
Wilmot often welcomes a variety of smaller vocal and instrumental ensembles (such as the Youth Chime Choir) to special services
throughout the year. As well, vocal, and instrumental soloists (and, on occasion, music professionals) from within and beyond the Wilmot congregation are a regular feature of our worship services. Steven and Margaret provide rehearsal preparation, accompaniments, and arrangements for these musicians, with the goal of positive and worshipful musical experiences for our performers and our congregation.